Saturday, July 9, 2011

Iron-rich Food for Anaemia

Anaemia is the most tasteless disorder of the blood. Anemia is caused by a scantness of red blood cells or hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen. The lack of blood cells or hemoglobin causes insufficient oxygen delivered to the body tissues and organs. As a result, you would feel tired, lack of durability and dizziness. In more severe case of anaemia, you can feel shortness of breath. Very serious anaemia can lead to heart failure in elderly.

The main causes of anaemia are: - Reduced production of red blood cells often caused by scantness in nutrients and hormonal imbalance. - Too much destruction of red blood cells which may be a condition that is hereditary - Severe blood loss that may be caused by heavy menstruation, accidents, gastric ulcers and aspirin overdose.


The most tasteless type of anaemia is iron-deficiency anaemia. Inordinate blood loss, either acutely hemorrhage or chronically through low-volume loss, is the cause of iron deficiency. Our body takes a long time to replenish severe loss of iron in blood. Women while their menstruating years are prone to anaemia. People who have experienced in any form of major blood loss, such as emergency or child birth, may get anaemia too.

Women have higher risk of getting anaemia while pregnancy. Pregnant women need more iron to originate more blood circulation in the body. For this reason, pregnant women are given supplement of iron to cope with the iron deficiency. Illness such as cancer, leukemia, Aids and stomach ulcers can cause anaemia. Malnutrition can also lead to anaemia as poor diet does not suffice the body's need for nutrients and minerals.

To cope with anaemia, you can eat more iron-rich food to growth the iron in blood. Iron from meat sources is best absorbed than iron from plant sources. Iron absorption is affected by phytates, calcium and vitamin C. Vitamin C-rich foods help the absorption of iron. You should eat plenty of vitamin C-rich food together with iron-rich foods.

Certain foods, such as tea, coffee, wheat bran, rhubarb, chocolate, soft drinks, red wine, ice cream, and candy bars, have been found to hinder iron-absorption and they should be avoided. You should avoid smoking as smoking lessens the level of vitamin C in your body.

It is crucial that you see your doctor for a precise diagnostic since not all anaemia is caused by iron deficiency. Someone else type of anaemia, Perniciuos anaemia, is caused by vitamin B12 scantness due to the inability to Ant. Eject it from food. This type of anaemia is regularly found on vegans because vitamin B12 is only found in animal foods. This question can be solved by taking vitamin B12 supplements suitable for vegans or eating fortified vegetarian products.

Iron-rich Food for Anaemia

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