Monday, October 31, 2011

Avoid Junk Food or Eat Healthier Junk Foods?

As a fitness professional, I'm all the time amazed (and puzzled) with the disagreement population seem to have with losing weight, yet they refuse to stop eating junk food. An exciting thing I have noticed over my many years helping population to lose weight is that almost every singular man that has told me that they are "attempting" to lose weight, almost all the time has their house filled with all sorts of junk food instead of whole unprocessed natural food.


It is not uncommon for population to tell me that they are trying easily hard to lose weight, but I will still consideration boxes of apple jacks and fruity pebbles on their counters, cakes, candies, and chips in their cupboard, and sodas or syrupy juices in their refrigerator.

So the interrogate that all the time stumps me is that if all of these population easily wanted to lose weight so bad, why in the world do most population still have their houses filled with junk foods instead of wholesome food?

Interestingly, the riposte normally is that they do not want to give up their favorite foods because they think that eating this junk food allows them to "live a little"... If you ask me, it sounds more like dying a miniature with each bite!

My take on it is that eating junk foods has nothing at all to do with enjoying your life... In reality, when you give up junk foods you easily enjoy life more because you feel better and are more energetic every day. In addition, getting into better shape by not eating junk food can obviously help improve the way your body looks (and therefore increases your confidence), thereby manufacture you enjoy life even more.

One thing that many population fail to comprehend is that eating wholesome does not have to mean eating bland and boring food. Instead, when you learn to enjoy natural unprocessed food and start exploring all of the varieties of natural food that this planet has to offer us, you learn that you can enjoy the natural flavors of real foods more than overly processed aggressive tastes that are so coarse with excessively sweet and salty junk food.

An example of this is that the other day I wanted an unsweetened iced tea while out on the road, but all that the store had available was these bottles of heavily sweetened iced tea. Well, I have not bought a fully sweetened iced tea in probably at least a few years now... I have easily gotten used to drinking unsweetened iced tea and have learned to appreciate the natural taste of tea without needing sugar or other sweeteners.

Whe I drank this bottled sweet tea, I almost gagged because it was so syrupy sweet, it was easily nasty.

A similar example... I used to need a lot of sugar in coffee, but after a gently reducing the amount of sugar I would use in coffe, I can now easily drink black coffee and enjoy the natural flavor of it without needing sweeteners (although I rarely drink coffee).

These are just a merge examples of how once you start appreciating the natural flavors of real food, you find that you no longer need the super-aggressive salty, sugary, or synthetic flavors that have been ingrained in us by the food associates and all of the junk food they push on us.

My reliance is that everyone should easily enjoy what they eat, and can do it without eating overly processed junk food... Actually, population are often surprised to hear that a lot of the foods that they think are junk food, I have wholesome alternatives that they never concept of.

A few examples:

Junk food: a chocolate candy bar, a chocolate donut, or a piece of chocolate cake

Healthier alternative: a merge pieces of extra-dark chocolate (greater than 70-75% cocoa content only)... This is higher in fiber and much less sugar than milk chocolate or even dark chocolates that are less than 70% cocoa content

Junk food: Deep fried and breaded chicken fingers and fries on the side (loads of nasty trans fats)

Healthier alternative: grilled chicken breast strips with peanut dipping sauce and vegetables on the side

Junk food: a cheap fast-food burger on a processed refined white bun

Healthier alternative: A grass-fed burger (higher in Cla and omega-3 fats) with raw grass-fed cheese on a sprouted grain roll

How about that for eating healthier yet still very tasty foods!

I hope that what you get out of this description is that there is more to life than eating junk food, and eating junk does not necessarily mean that you're "living a little" as so many population say. Instead, I feel the opposite is true.

Eat healthier and inspect the natural flavors of real foods (not processed) and you'll soon inspect that you no longer need junk food. Enjoy!

Avoid Junk Food or Eat Healthier Junk Foods?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Paleo Food Lists: How to Eat Like a Caveman

If you are man who is just beginning to gain interest in the Paleo diet, it is of procedure essential for you to learn about the Paleo food lists that will tell you what to eat and not to eat. Some who are new to the idea of this diet may think that the food choices are very puny in the Paleo diet, a.k.a. Blueprint Diet. However, they are mistaken. Paleo diet is in some way similar to other diets in terms of restricting some foods. After all, if this diet will not eliminate some food sources, you cannot no ifs ands or buts call it a "diet." The Blueprint or caveman diet is essentially a high-protein regimen. It does not necessarily eliminate the intake of carbohydrates. Instead, it eliminates the processed and packaged foods that are generally known as sources of carbohydrates and calories. Examples of these foods are rice and grains.

Although the Blueprint diet seems to restrict a number of food sources, there are still a lot of food choices that you can enjoy. The basic Paleo food list will teach you how to eat like a caveman.


Lean meat is the most integral part of the Blueprint diet. This is where most of the protein in the diet will come from. The cavemen were essentially hunters and gatherers. Their science of hunting animals may be considered as the most efficient in history - after all, they could not have survived for long without their hunting skills. Lean meat cuts are ideal because they do not consist of fats. Moreover, it would be best if you can get organic meat or those that come from animals that were naturally bred and feed (grown in pasture).

Eggs are also an standard source of protein in the Paleo diet. Dairy products cannot be consumed while you're following the Paleo diet but you can enjoy eggs. Just limit your consumption to six eggs a week.

Seafood lovers should be glad to effect the Blueprint diet because it is other recommended food source. Virtually any seafood can be eaten. This allows for great seafood recipes and meals that you can integrate with vegetables as side-in.

Speaking of vegetables, these plant produces are also encouraged in this diet. Basically, the cavemen ate anything they understanding and believed to be edible. Any vegetable that can be obviously eaten in its raw form is allowed in the caveman diet. However, starchy root vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes are discouraged because of their high starch content.

If you are a fan of fruits, then the Paleo diet could be meant for you. This diet allows all fruits. However, if your main intuit for dieting is to lose weight, try refraining from too sweet fruits such as berries because they have high calorie content. But since your metabolism will be boosted after a period of following the Paleo diet, you can gradually growth your consumption of sweet fruits because the fat will be eventually burned and transformed into energy.

Nuts and seeds are also encouraged foods for snack and ingredients to Paleo recipes. Just make sure to get those that are no ifs ands or buts gathered. For instance, cashew nuts are not ideal Blueprint snacks since the cavemen probably did not know back then that it can be consumed.

There are a lot of recipes and meals that you can enjoy while you effect the Paleo diet. All you need to do is achieve a quick study on the discrete recipes that you can no ifs ands or buts prepare and you are automatically gearing yourself up for a healthier lifestyle.

The Paleo Food Lists: How to Eat Like a Caveman

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Filipino Food

Filipino food is an captivating cuisine. It has evolved over hundreds of years, from basically Spanish and Mexican roots. It has also received sway from many other cuisines such as Japanese, American, Indian, Arabic and Chinese.

The staple of Filipino cooking is rice that is ordinarily served steamed. Leftover rice can then be added too many dishes, turning then into appetizing second meals. An example of this is sinangag, which is fried rice frequently prepared with garlic and onions. It is typically served with fried eggs and cured meat, sausage or fried hotdogs.


Rice is an ingredient used in all meals from breakfast, lunch and evening meal to desserts and afternoon snack. This afternoon snack time is referred to as Merienda, which is the same belief as afternoon tea.

Filipino Food

Other staples comprise seafood of many dissimilar varieties. Milkfish, shrimp, grouper, mackerel, clams, blue marlin, squid, eel and crabs are just a few popular seafood ingredients, commonly used.

Kinilaw is a popular raw seafood salad. It is made by marinating fish or shrimp in ingredients together with vinegar, onions, several spices and coconut milk.

In the eyes of primary Filipino cooks, seafood should be used in its freshest state. This is why the seafood in many recipes, is left uncooked.

Cooked fruits and vegetables are often seen on Filipino tables. Bananas, coconuts, tomatoes, potatoes, purple yams, kamote (sweet potatoes) and carrots are utilized, year-round.

Coconuts are unquestionably used in a variety of dishes. Guinatan are dishes of meat and vegetables, cooked in coconut milk. Bibingka is rice pudding, made with coconut milk, baked in a clay oven. It is topped with salted duck eggs and thick jam called macapuno.

Kamote and plantains are used to make a appetizing skewered snack. They are each cut into small cubes, rolled in brown sugar and then grilled, on a stick, to make a yummy caramelized dessert.

The majority of Filipino recipes are a compound of spicy, sweet, sour and salty flavors. It is captivating to note that even though spices are easily used most dishes are not overly spiced. Many believe that this cuisine is somewhat bland and mild.

Common cooking methods include: deep frying, barbecuing and pickling. Stew-type meals are very popular, as well. Adobo is one such meal. It is chicken or pork that is stewed in a sauce made with peppercorns, vinegar, garlic and soy sauce. It is sometimes served dry, by boiling the liquid dry. This concentrates the flavors, immensely.

Filipino Food

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fast Food History in America

Most citizen think the McDonald brothers of California started the fast-food craze in America, but in reality, it was the White Castle hamburger chain that beyond doubt started fast food history in America. J. Walter Anderson opened the first White Castle in 1916 in Wichita, Kansas, and citizen liked the cheap hamburgers, fries, and colas he offered. However, fast-food beyond doubt didn't become coarse in America until after World War Ii, when Americans first began to fall in love with their cars, and had freedom time and more money to spend on eating out.

The McDonald Brothers


The real heroes of fast food history in America are Richard and Maurice McDonald, the two brothers who created the first McDonald's bistro in 1948 in San Bernardino, California. They wanted their bistro to be more productive and cost-effective, so they designed a uncomplicated menu in a small construction without any tables, so citizen took their food and ate in their cars. By 1953, the brothers had decided to franchise their idea, and two franchises opened in Downey, California and Phoenix, Arizona.


As the McDonald's became more successful, others began to take consideration and copy their example to make their own fast food history in America. Keith Cramer started an carrying out in Florida that would turn into Burger King, and Ray Kroc, a blender salesman, was so impressed with McDonald's that he asked the brothers if he could sell their franchises. He opened his own McDonald's in Des Plaines, Illinois in 1954, and ultimately he bought out the brothers and became the owner of the corporation. Kroc was the driving force behind the food chain's astounding growth throughout America in the late 50s and early 60s. Wendy's was created by Dave Thomas in Columbus, Ohio, where the first bistro opened in 1962.

More Newcomers

As fast food caught on, and more citizen decided they liked dining in their cars; more fast food shops sprang up colse to the country. Jack-in-the-Box began in San Diego, California in 1951, and by 1960 it had spread out of California into other areas. Troy Smith opened the first Sonic Drive-In in 1954 in Shawnee, Oklahoma, Dunkin' Donuts first opened in Quincy, Massachusetts in 1950, and the first Taco Bell opened in 1962 in Downey, California. All of these operations based their enterprise at least loosely on the McDonald's carrying out and then modified it to work with their specialty foods.

Today's History

Today, fast food chains have spread all colse to the world, and have spread American culture right along with them. There are many more favorite chains, like Carl's Jr., Arby's, Domino's and Dairy Queen, indicating that fast food isn't always about hamburgers. In fact, pizza, Chinese food, and just about any type of food incredible are now available for take-out at fast-food chains across the globe. Fast food history in America is beyond doubt the foundation of fast food as we know it today, and that history has made millionaires out of many of the citizen who first stated the fast food concept.

Fast Food History in America

Thursday, October 27, 2011

manufacture exiguous Food

No home would be unblemished without food in the cupboard or a spread on the table, and a dollhouse is no different. To really create the impression of a microscopic world, food is a necessity, and manufacture microscopic food exactly for the purpose of a dollhouse is a beloved past time for many adults and children.

Now, you may have read that and had visions of trying to fry a tiny portion of egg in a frying pan, but fear not. The idea is just to create things that look like food, not really edible portions of food itself - even for the most dedicated dollhouse creator that would be taking things a microscopic far! Instead, creating food for a dollhouse is no dissimilar a process to manufacture a chair or a rug. It is all about adding authenticity, and there is no doubt that if you have gone to the attempt of calmly and neatly creating a stunning supper table, it is a shame to have nothing on it. manufacture food for a dollhouse gives the entire creation a new edge, and it need not be as difficult as you may imagine.


The options for microscopic dollhouse food are, quite simply, endless. It all depends on the look and feel you are trying to create. If you have a particularly ornate and historical dollhouse, maybe even a primary Victorian set up, then maybe something like a tea and cake party is appropriate. Or maybe you would like to add a fruit bowl to conclude off the look of a dining suite, or even microscopic tins to put in cupboards. The possibilities are endless; all you need is a microscopic patience and a willingness to spend time perfecting the look.

The Victorian tea and cake party scene is enduringly popular, primarily due to how it looks but also due to how tricky it is to create. If you like a challenge, then the cake party scene is a perfect place to start. It also has the advantageous of never being officially finished; you can keep adding to it as your skills improve. The goal is to create small cakes to go on any china dishes you may have, which will show off the whole dollhouse to great effect.

There are two necessities for creating microscopic food for a dollhouse. The first is some kind of guidance. This can be in the form of an actual, full size item to work from; this will give you an idea of the shape and look you are trying to recreate, albeit in a smaller size. If you have seen a particularly gorgeous cake, you can find a picture and try to copy it exactly - this is vastly preferable to trying to work from memory, as this is where mistakes can occur.

The second necessity is a microscopic more practical: Polymer clay. There are many reasons for polymer clays enduring role in creating microscopic food; it is durable, easy to use, easy to find and purchase, easy to work with and it comes in a variety of colors. It is possible to produce an entire cake - together with sycophant base, icing and finishing touches - using nothing but polymer clay. It is from this most beneficial of materials that the majority of microscopic food is made, and for good reason; it also gives a very lifelike conclude to whatever you create.

With a microscopic time and patience, a good estimate of polymer clay and some real life inspiration to work from, soon microscopic food fit for a king will be gracing your dollhouse.

manufacture exiguous Food

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Funny Food Quotes

In my opinion, a good laugh is just as foremost to personal health as eating right and exercise. In fact, if I had to list the top three healthy habits, they would be green tea, broccoli and laughter. Laughter improves our uncut state of mind and sense of delight with life, raising our vigor level and causing us to lean less on unhealthy "comfort" foods. With that in mind, check out these funny food quotes and remember them the next time you spend some time in your kitchen. You can also register to receive jokes and other funny stuff by e-mail from our team here at Recipe4Living.


Share these quotes with your loved ones, sneak them into lunchboxes, and write them on unsuspecting chalkboards and whiteboards everywhere. Laugh it up!

In my experience, clever food is not appreciated at Christmas. It makes the petite ones cry and the old ones nervous. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

In Mexico we have a word for sushi: bait. Jose Simons

She had all the time warned them to wave a plate of rice and peas before her nose when she was in her coffin, to make certain there was no mistake; for if a breath of life was left in her, she would sit up and eat, but if she smelled the hopping-john, and did not stir, then they could just nail down the coffin and be certain she was truly dead. Carson McCullers (The Member of the Wedding, 1946)

All I ask of food is that it doesn't harm me. Michael Palin

The most marvelous thing about my mum is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The primary meal has never been found. Calvin Trillin

I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead. Not sick, not wounded, dead. Woody Allen

Only Irish coffee provides in a particular glass all four vital food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat. Alex Levine

I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants. Aw Brown

If a lump of soot falls into the soup and you cannot favorably get it out, stir it well in and it will give the soup a French taste. Jonathan Swift

I don't like food that's too thought about arranged; it makes me think that the chef is spending too much time arranging and not enough time cooking. If I wanted a photograph I'd buy a painting. Andy Rooney

My physician told me to stop having intimate dinners for four; unless there are three other people. Orson Welles

Poets have been mysteriously silent on the field of cheese. Gilbert K. Chesterton

The devil came to me last night and asked what I wanted in replacement for my soul. I still can't believe I said pizza. Friggin' cravings. Marc Ostroff

Watermelon -- it's a good fruit. You eat, you drink, you wash your face. Enrico Caruso

I put instant coffee in my microwave oven and roughly went back in time. Steven Wright

You can tell alot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans. Ronald Reagan

There are five elements: earth, air, fire, water and garlic. Louis Diat

American consumers have no problem with carcinogens, but they will not purchase any product, along with floor wax, that has fat in it. Dave Barry

I went to a bistro that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance. Steven Wright

I had a dream last night, I was eating a ten pound marshmallow. I woke up this morning and the pillow was gone. Tommy Cooper

Funny Food Quotes

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Food Allergies Candy

It can be very difficult for a person to find foods they are allowed to eat when they have food allergies. Many of our foods are based on the very products that are carefully the most base ones. Many individuals have allergies to eggs, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, shellfish, and seafood. As you can imagine some of these properties are also found in candy. For instance candy bars normally have nuts, tree nuts, dairy, and some type of egg. You will also find that some of the candy can even have a wheat base depending on the type of candy bar. For many, this has meant just cutting candy out of their lives, but you will find a list below of distinct candies that you can have. This is especially helpful if you have children. Children don't like to feel left out because of a this problem, and having a candy snack nearby that you can give them on opportunity is a very delightful prospect.

Dum Dum Candy Canes are the first item on the list for problematic candies. The Dum Dum has been created with sugar, corn syrup, citric acid, malic acid, artificial flavor, and color. This means that you will not find any diary, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, or even gluten in the snack. It provides a safe snack for anyone food allergy you may have. Even if you have multiple food allergies you will find this snack is available.


Spree Candy Canes are also made with sugar, corn syrup, citric acid, sodium citrate, artificial and natural flavors, as well as color added. You will again find that this candy is free of any of these ingredients and that the equipment used is kept free of such foods.

Now and Later, Candy Canes, Jolly Ranchers, Wonka Chocolate candy canes, Gobstoppers, Sweet Tarts, and Hershey's chocolate mint candy canes have all been made without the most base food allergies ingredients. This means that any of the above food allergies candy is going to be safe for you or your child. You do want to keep in mind that with food allergies some individuals tend to manufacture multiple allergies because they have too many antibodies in their system. It is always wise to rotate even the candy you allow yourself or your child to avoid any issues with eating the same foods.

Food Allergies Candy

Monday, October 24, 2011

Homemade Dog Food Recipes - prepare Your Own Dog Food To Save Money And prevent Illness And Disease

Homemade dog food recipes have come to be much more beloved in modern times. After the tainted dog food that caused many dogs to die, people have turned to making their own dog food using wholesome and nutritious homemade recipes. Here are some things to think about if you are inspecting establishment your own dog's food.

  • You can find out exactly what ingredients and nutrients are best for your breed of dog. Start out by discussing this with your veterinarian, and then ask the people where you purchase your dog's food. If you find that they are not knowledgeable, begin to do your own research, on the internet and at the collective library.
  • If your dog already has a health condition, such as diabetes, you will be able to get ready homemade recipes that have the right number of fiber and protein for this condition.
  • You will find that it is much less high-priced to get ready these recipes at home with ingredients purchased from your grocery store or supermarket.
  • There are so many dog food recipes ready online, so you will want to purchase them from person who knows what they are talking about when it comes to your dog's diet.
  • Most dogs only live from seven to about fourteen years. You may be able to increase this, or at least know that your dog will live as long and wholesome a life as you can perhaps give him.
  • You will save money and heartbreak by not having to give your dog high-priced and painful treatments for diseases and illnesses that could be prevented by wholesome and nutritious eating.


You probably treat your dog like a member of the house already. Continue to do this by establishment your own dog's food based on wholesome homemade dog food recipes.

Homemade Dog Food Recipes - prepare Your Own Dog Food To Save Money And prevent Illness And Disease
Homemade Dog Food Recipes - prepare Your Own Dog Food To Save Money And prevent Illness And Disease

Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to Start a Food Truck enterprise

Once you are able to buy a food truck, this means that you are ready to start a business. Any way a food truck enterprise is not always a bed of roses. You can expect the best outcomes from having this enterprise but you must also anticipate the worst. The worst being, the possibilities of the truck breaking down in the middle of your route. If this happens you will lose a lot of money and will leave hungry customers. In this enterprise you must be able to find a very good and efficient truck and you must assert its good condition.

Here is a guideline that you can take if you want to buy a food truck:


Identify the estimate that you are willing to spend for your business. Once you have made a rough assessment on how much you are willing to spend devise a enterprise strategy and a plan that you think will work best for you. You must also be definite on your decision on what type of truck you will be using. Pick either you want to spend on a used truck or a brand new truck.

Know the significance of asking the food vending enterprise essentials from citizen who used to own food trucks. Ask them where they bought their trucks and ask them which clubs are the most reliable. Knowing these in formation will help you save a lot of time and money.

If you conclude on buying a used truck, it is foremost for you to have a mechanic that you can bring along when you would like to recognize the truck. There may be defects that cannot be determined by a layman's eye and that only an scholar can decipher. The mechanic can help you recognize either the used truck you wish to buy is still in good condition. If you cannot bring a mechanic along, ask the seeder to give you time to have the food truck you intend to buy be examined by a mechanic. Bring the food truck to a mechanic and have the food truck subjected to a normal inspection before choosing to buy the unit.

On the other hand, if you think that it would be a wiser move and a more practical decision to buy a new truck, make sure that the truck you buy is warrantied and find out the extent and the coverage of the warranty that comes with the truck. Ask all the significant questions that you need to ask before paying for the unit.

Take the food truck for a test drive. This will let you know conclude either you can comfortably maneuver the truck. Make sure that all the parts of the truck and you can no ifs ands or buts see the back view from its mirrors. This is a security precaution for you. If you think that the truck is dissimilar to maneuver, ask for a dissimilar unit. You must take note that although the truck is in good condition, if it is something that is difficult to maneuver then it is not good for your business.

Once you have decided which truck to buy, ask your seeder for a good deal on the price. Most sellers would cut the truck's traditional price twenty percent less. Take benefit of this. Learn the art of haggling but do not haggle too much. Just like you, these food truck sellers are also in the enterprise and need to profit.

How to Start a Food Truck enterprise

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dry Skin Rash - How to Recognise Food Intolerance

Food intolerance in the west is on the increase. More and more citizen are suffering with allergies to foods, substances and the environment.

You can recognise food intolerance when you suffer a corporal reaction after having eaten a inescapable food.


The type of corporal reactions most common include the break out in a rash or itchy fit. Or you suddenly feel mystery in swallowing, or the swelling of the face, eyes or tongue. Nausea and dizziness are also quite common.

Dry Skin Rash - How to Recognise Food Intolerance

A lot of sufferers compose eczema over a duration of months and years. Food intolerance is created straight through your eating habits or a dramatic condition change.

Look at the following and see if you recognise any of these as habits you have developed.

Dry Skin Rash - How to Recognise Food Intolerance #1 -

Do you intentionally vary the type of foods you eat on a quarterly basis? There are thousands and thousands of edible food plants on this planet. But as creatures of habit we regularly eat in the middle of 10 and 20 of such foods regularly.

This predisposes us to having an altered immune reactivity to these foods. The nutrients we derive is miniature and we are missing out on the opportunity to strengthen our nutrient base.

Dry Skin Rash - How to Recognise Food Intolerance #2 -

Are you man that is prescribed antibiotics on a quarterly basis. Antibiotics tend to alter bowl bacteria and inhibit probiotics contained in the digestive system. Antibiotics work on the functioning within the intestinal lining.

Antibiotics lowers intestinal immunity and encourages increase of unwanted bacteria.

Worse still, repeated courses of antibiotics will cause some digestive imbalance and tends to encourage the rapid increase of yeast in the colon.

Dry Skin Rash - How to Recognise Food Intolerance #3 -

This one applies to women specifically, the long term intake of the contraceptive pill.

The contraceptive pill can cause food intolerance in inescapable people. Hormones in the pill work on inescapable liver detoxification enzymes. The contraceptive pill also depletes vitamins and trace minerals in the body.

Dry Skin Rash - How to Recognise Food Intolerance

Friday, October 21, 2011

Natural Food Sources of Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen

Got a wrinkle to fill? You could fill that wrinkle with injections of bovine collagen or hyaluronic acid. Yet, is there anyway to plane out wrinkles without jabbing your skin with needles?

You can avoid the need for the needle by optimizing your estrogen levels. While estrogen influences numerous aspects of our health, from the development of breast cancer to the development of a fetus, estrogen also determines the moisture and collagen level of our skin as we age.


Studies published by N. Grosman in the "Acta Pharmacol Toxicol" established the link in the middle of estrogen and collagen. Estrogen boosts the skin's moisture content by expanding the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin.

Natural Food Sources of Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen

Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the body. One of hyaluronic acid's customary jobs is to make the skin firm and contribute keep for the collagen and elastin fibers that give skin a firm, teenage appearance.

You can potentially increase that amount of hyaluronic acid in your skin by expanding your intake of estrogen. For example, animal studies show that soy isoflavones protect skin against sun damage and may increase output of hyaluronic acid.
Soy dishes come in a range of options. From soy tofu to soy protein shakes food incarnations of soy are endless.

While eating your way to a firmer face, you don't want to overlook vitamin C. While vitamin C remains a potent antioxidant, it also helps your body to produce collagen.

Even though vitamin C's beauty potential is loudly touted by the media, 33% of the Us population is not getting sufficient vitamin C agreeing to a 2005 eye done by the U.S. Agricultural research Service's Food Surveys research Group.

You can enjoy vitamin C in foods like broccoli, red or green peppers, strawberries, oranges and Brussels spouts.

Eating vitamin C and optimizing your estrogen levels are just one step in a series of things you can do to slow down the aging process. One uncomplicated tip to keep your anti-aging regime working is to ask yourself each time you eat, "Is this food protecting me from free radials and allowing my body to heal itself, or causing more free radial damage?" This way you're sure to be eating your way to more teenage skin.

Natural Food Sources of Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ka Rey Herrera Reh Herbal Food Supplement

Formerly known as Glo-Herbal, Ka Rey Herrera Reh Herbal is a dietary supplement centered on sustaining permissible nourishment of the body through a drink from processed extracts of 70 plus natural herbs. Most popularly known to its users as a cure for arthritis, high blood, diabetes and ulcer, this food supplement's detoxifying properties has also been pointed to facilitate self-calibration of body organs, promoting good function of each by forcing its toxin article out of the system.


Amidst the huge popularity and wide distribution Ka Rey Herrera Reh Herbal now has, all products of this food supplement line are still being sourced from its main office. This is the company's way to retain and allege the potential of the herbal dietary supplement they are selling. Reh Herbal is now being widely distributed internationally, with distributing units based in Sweden, Japan, Usa and Australia.

Though there are other possible forms to which the food supplement could have been made of, Rey Herrera, discoverer of this wonder herbal drink, adored the supplement to be in liquid form for easier swallowing of those children and elderly who will take the substance. They have also adored not to add flavor to the product in order to retain the natural article of the drink. Increasing of any artificial flavor would ruin the supplement's all-herbal composition, which may even negate the concoction's health effects.

Herbal supplements now have gained great popularity due to man's continuous pursuance in finding an alternative to the accepted methods of sustaining permissible nutrition. Made from or a mixture of fruits, vegetables and herbs, herbal food supplements is the safest means of boosting one's theory minus the risk of encountering side effects chemical-based substances may inflict.

Ka Rey Herrera Reh Herbal Food Supplement

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Filipino Recipes - primary Food, Worldwide Influences

The roots of Filipino food are not your typical Asian fare, for instead of heavily spiced and aromatic food, instead we have original east Asian cuisine but combined with modern influences from the west, including America and Hispanic countries. Often with Filipino food the recipes feature bold combinations which accentuate each other.

Here's a formula that emphasises the worldwide influences on the original cuisine of the Filipino regions. Originally from Spain, these "Mallorca Pastries" are a common foodstuff eaten over many of the islands over the country, and a delicious treat to feed your family.



2 pounds of flour
8 ounces of butter
5 eggs
200ml milk
1.5 ounces of bakers' yeast
Pinch of salt
Icing sugar

Start off by shredding the bakers' yeast in a bowl or pan of milk, then crack open the eggs and whisk them, adding them to the yeast with a slight salt.

Take someone else bowl and beat the butter until it's nice and spongy. Spread the softened butter over the dough. Now, form the flour so that it resembles a shallow cone with a hole at the top, then pour the mix into the centre. You can pick which size to make them, from smaller individual bites to larger concoctions. I find that colse to 60grams (2 ounces) is fine for each one.

Now, use your hands to knead the blend and form a ball, exterior them up for colse to 24 hours in the fridge. After this, let the yeast rise for up to four hours at room temperature, until they roughly double in size and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees centigrade until they take on a lovely golden colouring. Let them cool and sprinkle with your icing sugar. Done! Now you just have to be quick and eat them before everyone else does...

Filipino Recipes - primary Food, Worldwide Influences

Monday, October 17, 2011

Food to Eat for Gout - The Gout Diet

A lot of citizen who suffer from gout, have been able to reduce their sudden sharp pains with an correction in their diet. In this article, I will discuss the exact food to eat for gout, and give an explanation as to why unavoidable foods in flame the symptoms of gout, while other foods lower them. effect the advice given in this article, and you should be able to come up with a diet of food to eat for gout that will be both tasty and efficient in giving you much needed relief.


Here's how it works. High concentrations of uric acid build up in the blood stream, and for crystal like formations, which are deposited in the space in the middle of your joints. This occurs when there's too much uric acid in your body. Uric acid comes from purine. Foods with too much purine will overrun your body with uric acid. The effect -- pain in your joints.

So what food should you put on your go to grocery list that are not high in purine?

First, you need to start with increasing the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Five daily servings of fruits and vegetables are required, at the very least. You can put in order these servings lightly steamed, and soups, juice or eat them raw. In general, vegetables have low sources of purine. The only vegetables you should watch for are potatoes, peas and corn. Why you shouldn't decrease your intake of these, avoid eating them more than twice a week.

Second, filter or spring water intake should be increased as well. These will help filter out the uric acid through your urine.

One of the best foods doctors have found to work practically immediately it reducing the pain of a gout charge is wild or black cherries. This is because they consist of a definite substance known for lowering uric acid levels quickly. Not only should you eat them raw, you should juice them freshly and drink one to two glasses a day. Avoid purchasing over-the-counter cherry juice, because the substance which reduces uric acid is ordinarily nonexistent due to poor filtering.

In conclusion, I have given you a list of dissimilar kinds of food to eat for gout. Before starting any new diet, you should consult your family physician or doctor. simply effect this advice, and put more foods on your grocery lists like the ones I've described above. If you effect a diet that's low in purine, you will find the pain related with your gout will be drastically reduced.

Food to Eat for Gout - The Gout Diet

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Three Things to Know Before You Feed Your Cat Homemade Cat Food

Cats that eat homemade cat food are much healthier then cats that eat commercial cat food but some of our food is poison to them. Cats can not have onions, garlic, or chives. Anything in that vegetable family is off limits. It is poison!

Cats also can not have tomatoes, raisins, or chocolate. I've heard of a cat dying from eating just one cherry tomato. Now I'm not telling you this to scare you because your cat will live a much longer, healthier life with homemade food. I just want you to be aware that there are danger foods.


Did you know that cats are truly lactose intolerant? Milk will not kill them but it will make them feel bad. Cats don't have the enzyme to break down the sugar in the milk. If you want to use milk in your homemade cat food use lactose free milk. Lactose free milk is just milk that has the sugar already broken down. You can buy it at any grocery store.

Cats need a lot of Taurine. Taurine is an primary amino acid that is required for the digestion of fats in the small intestine. Taurine is also required for a cat's nervous theory to work, for their sight (without sufficient taurine a cat will lose it eye sight within two years), and for their muscles to work properly. Cats have to get this amino acid from the food they eat. Taurine is found in raw meats. Again this is just something you need to be aware of.

Three Things to Know Before You Feed Your Cat Homemade Cat Food

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Diabetic Food Pyramid Explained

The diabetic food pyramid sound uncomfortably like those get rich quick money manufacture pyramids where the last citizen to join are the losers. But have no fear the only losers in the diabetic food pyramid are those who don't use it.

Simply put this graded diabetes food chart is plainly designed to guide you colse to the sugar foods and keep you in equilibrium. Remember when you first showed with diabetes symptoms and how you had to deal with the sugar factor? And you had lots of advice both expert and homespun about how to do that and probably had a few hiccups at that early time. But to the rescue comes the diabetic food pyramid chart where at a remarked you can see how to dispose your food intake with the right equilibrium of sugar content.


The process is painless and easy to understand. The diabetic food pyramid works just like a general food pyramid with foods listed at the top that should only be eaten rarely and in moderation; foods that are sweet to taste and the fatty foods. The further down the pyramid you go the more you can participate without the problems of sugar imbalance.

The Diabetic Food Pyramid Explained

So which foods can you have a miniature indulgence with and not come to harm? You can drink milk up to 3 glasses a day (non fat milk of course) and you can have 2 to 3 standard serves of meat a day with emphasis on chicken and fish - that's not so bad is it?

And hey! With this diabetes diet chart you can have a party on fruits, veggies and grain foods. This food grouping, is right at the bottom of they diabetic food pyramid and verily help you fight the disease because with high fiber fruit and veggies they help the bodies natural work in breaking down glucose. 3 or more serves a day will work well for you.

Concerning the vegetables and grains these are natures gift to the diabetic and up to 5 serves a day in good portions provide great fiber article for the body to break down that glucose that threatens to send you into the dreaded diabetic coma.

The best thing about the diabetic food pyramid is it makes life easy for any diabetic because just by seeing at the illustrated chart with its six categories of food groups you can get a complete photo of what you can eat, the size of the part and the amount of portions per day - how easy is that?

The pyramid chart provides the easiest advice on diets for diabetics. At the bottom are listed all the foods that most diabetics should eat foods such as whole grains, starchy vegetables and beans (watch the beans - remember the film Blazing Saddles and cowboys farting scene?) Seriously though these three food basics are the staple diet for the diabetic.

On the second rung up we have the fruit and vegetable shop and this list is good and very helpful for most in the right portions. Third rung you have the protein in meats with emphasis on chicken and fish and occasional red meat. And at the top watch out you have entered the danger shop with its fats, oils, sugars and sweets.

The Diabetic Food Pyramid Explained

Friday, October 14, 2011

Baby Food Maker And Ways To Thaw Your Baby's Food

Making food for your baby is easy if you use an all in one baby food maker in your home. It is cost effective, a time saver, and you get to make the healthiest food for your child. The varieties of foods you can make are also endless compared to the store bought brands. When you find produce on sale at the store it is good to stock up and make baby meals in strengthen as this is the true quantum of money saving in food costs. When you make meals in strengthen you will need to store those meals in the freezer. I use my baby food maker to make the meals and then store it in ice cube trays that are Bpa free. I put plastic over the trays and stack them and then when they have frozen, I put the cubes in a heavy duty Ziploc bag. I save hundreds of dollars a year doing this. The ice cube trays are the best baby food warehouse containers I have ever used. The portions are just right and I have very slight waste. Naturally, when you take a meal out of the freezer bag it will have to be defrosted. There are a few ways to this safely. Lets take a look at some ways to do this:

Most population and parents put freezing foods into the microwave to be defrosted and for adults this is fine, but for baby food this might not be the best way to go as microwave ovens are notorious for causing uneven heating or hot spots in foods so you have to make sure to stir your babies food often to get consistent heat throughout the meal. Also remember to let the food cool to room climatic characteristic so not to burn your child's mouth. If you pick to use the microwave remember to use a microwave safe package that is Bpa free. Use a lid to trap moisture that gets stirred into the meal. If you have an older oven that does not have a rotating tray then make sure to rotate the meal yourself and then make sure you taste the food to make sure it is at the allowable feeding climatic characteristic for your child.


The next way you can defrost your babies meals is in the refrigerator. Just take the meals you will need for the next day out of the freezer and put them in the fridge. Make sure the meals are in a covered Bpa free warehouse container. You do this to forestall bacteria contamination from other foods in your refrigerator. You can also thaw your babies meals in warm water. Easy to do, just get one large package and fill it with hot water and then place the smaller package with the baby food in the larger container. Done! One cube will thaw out in no longer than 15-20 minutes. Of procedure you can also take the package with the babies food and put it in a sauce pot that is on the stove on low heat. The food will thaw quicker this way. Just as a reminder about thawed out baby food. You can keep thawed meals for your baby in the refrigerator for up to three days or 72 hours, just make sure that once again it is in a Bpa free warehouse package to forestall bacterial contamination from other foods.

Baby Food Maker And Ways To Thaw Your Baby's Food
Baby Food Maker And Ways To Thaw Your Baby's Food

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nutro Dog Food narrate

One of the most improbable things we have encountered in our retell of the commercial dog food business is the fact that many, if not most, commercial dog foods are quite possibly toxic, and hazardous for your dogs! One of the most disturbing revelations we encountered was the fact that many dog food makers use Dead, Euthanized pets and zoo animals, as sources for their dog foods! The consumer-public does not appear to be aware of this problem, and the think is no surprise.


Most commercial dog food brands have healthy-sounding names, such as Nutro Dog Food, Beneful, Science Diet (all brand names are trademarks of their respective parent companies, and as an independent consumer advocate, we have No affiliation with any commercial dog food manufacturer or brand.) In addition, many commercial dog foods display labels such as "all-natural," "organic," "holisitc," "gourmet," or "premium."

In fact, the dog food business spend millions of dollars every year in an effort to convince the collective that their dog foods are healthy. In addition, we found that the dog food business usually lobbies to Congress and the Fda to Avoid having to clearly label the source of the components of their dog foods! This shocked us, because if the dog food is nothing else but healthy, then why the need to enunciate the quality to use uncommon and lengthy scientific names in their ingredient list? Why wouldn't the commercial dog food associates want the collective to nothing else but understand what the dog foods are made out of??

So we decided to explore distinct commercial dog foods, to see if we could conclude what is nothing else but in them, and where the components for the food nothing else but comes from. Following is our retell of Nutro Dog Food. More reviews are to come! Again, we are only disclosing the information that they have already publicly disclosed on their website, to see if we can make sense of it. We are Not indicating an belief one way or the other, whether or not this food is healthy.

We found illustrated words like "Natural Nutrition," "Ultra-Holistic Nutrition," and "Super-Premium," to retell their dog foods. With regard to ingredients, Nutro Dog Food lists "natural ingredients with added vitamins and minerals," and also "real chicken protein or real beef protein." Their website claims that there are "no artificial preservatives," nor are there "artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners."

The ingredients list is as follows: "Chicken Meal, Wheat Flour, Ground Whole Wheat, Corn Gluten Meal, Rice Bran, Poultry Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Ground Rice, Chicken, Natural Flavors, Sodium Bicarbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Monosodium Phosphate, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Carbonate, Yeast Culture, L-Lysine, Salt, Choline Chloride, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin E Supplement, Iron Oxide, Dried Kelp, Lecithin, Garlic Flavor, Ascorbic Acid (source of Vitamin C), Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Copper Proteinate, Niacin, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Riboflavin (source of Vitamin B2), Thiamine Mononitrate (source of Vitamin B1), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (source of Vitamin B6), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite complicated (source of Vitamin K activity)."

All in all, we could not find anyone on the Nutro Dog Food website that indicated they were complicated in any of the practices mentioned earlier in this article. We believe that the ingredient list does not indicate any chemicals known to be harmful to dogs or people. The inclusion of "ground whole wheat" and "dried kelp" leads us to believe that Nutro Dog Food is probably one of the healthy dog food brands on the market.

The whole point, however, is that there nothing else but is no way to know. The main driving forces behind all collective corporations are profit, and increasing stock price. We believe it is the promulgation of all responsible dog-owners to make sure they are aware of what's nothing else but in the food that they feed to their dogs!

Nutro Dog Food narrate

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Food Lectins in condition and Disease: An Introduction

In recent years it appears there is a rising epidemic of population suffering from continuing digestive and autoimmune conditions. Food intolerance or sensitivities may lie at the root of the problem. Most people, including doctors, have exiguous clue how foods they eat may be contributing to their continuing illness, fatigue and digestive symptoms.


There are, however, a lot of clues in the medical literature and the lay public's sense about how foods are causing and/or contributing to the current epidemic of continuing illness and autoimmune disease. There are several diets being used by many population with varying success to improve their condition despite a general lack of iron clad scientific proof for their effectiveness. One of the clues to the cause and relief of food induced illness may lie in proteins known as lectins that are gift in all foods.

Animal and plant sources of food both comprise complicated proteins known as lectins. These proteins typically have the ability to attach to sugars or carbohydrates on the covering of human cells. Some of these proteins can cause clumping of human red blood cells, a process that is called agglutination. The process of agglutination occurs when person receives the wrong blood type while a blood transfusion. In fact, red blood cell agglutination definite to each person or groups of population is the basis for testing for blood types. There is some data that blood types may affect how population answer to unavoidable foods though a blood type definite diet appears to have been disproven. The attachment or binding of unavoidable food lectins can begin a collection of cell definite effects. These reactions may mimic hormones or cause changes in cells. This is termed molecular mimicry.

Most plants comprise lectins, some of which are toxic, inflammatory, or both. Many of these plant and dairy lectin are defiant to cooking and digestive enzymes. Grain lectins, for example, are quite defiant to human digestion but well grand for ruminants like cattle who have multi-chambered stomachs. Therefore, lectins are gift in our food and are often defiant to our digestion and some have been scientifically shown to have necessary Gi toxicity in humans. Others have been shown to be useful and maybe even cancer protecting. Either way plant and animal proteins are foreign proteins to the body and are dealt with by digestion and our immune system in a unavoidable or negative manner.

The human digestive system was created to handle a collection of plant and animal proteins straight through the process of digestion and elimination. Some plant and animal proteins or lectins are severely toxic to humans and cannot be eaten without causing death like those in Castor beans and some mushrooms. Other foods must be ready before they are safe to be eaten. Preparations may comprise pealing, prolonged soaking and cooking like kidney beans. Other foods may be poorly tolerated because of a genetic predisposition or basal pre-existing food allergy or intolerance. Others are tolerated to some degree or quantity but not in large amounts or on a frequent basis. population who are intolerant to the milk sugar lactose, because of inherited or acquired scantness in lactase enzyme, may tolerate small amounts but may have severe bloating, gas, abdominal pain and cramps with explosive diarrhea when a large number of lactose containing foods are eaten. Foods can become intolerable to some population after their immune system changes or gut is injured from someone else cause.

Of the food lectins, grain/cereal lectins; dairy lectins; and legume lectins (especially peanut lectin and soybean lectin) are the most base ones associated with reports of aggravation of inflammatory and digestive diseases in the body and improvement of those diseases and/or symptoms when avoided. recent research by Loren Cordain PhD., has recommend that these lectins may effectively serve as a "Trojan horse" allowing intact or nearly intact foreign proteins to invade our natural gut defenses and enter behind the lines to cause damage well beyond the gut, ordinarily in joints, brain, and skin of affected individuals. Once damage occurs to the gut and the defense system is breached the effect is what some refer to as a "leaky gut". Moreover, many population who institute a "leaky gut" not only have gut symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain but also other symptoms beyond the gut, or extra-intestinal symptoms. ordinarily affected areas are the brain or peripheral nerves, skin, joints, and discrete body glands. With prolonged exposure of the gut by these toxic food lectins a persistent stimulation of the body's defense mechanism in a dysfunctional manner, occurs, i.e. Autoimmune disease.

Wrong types or levels of good and bad bacteria in the gut, or intestinal dysbiosis, may contribute to this process of abnormal stimulation of the immune system. research supports the strong possibility that such stimulation may be accentuated by interaction of the bacteria with food lectins. It is believed by some that this may supplementary worsen gut injury and autoimmune disease. This latter idea is gaining acceptance and recognition by doctors in one form as the hygiene theory. It is speculated that our gut bacteria have become altered by increased hygiene and over use of antibiotics and that this phenomenon may be playing a necessary role in the rising incidence of autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and continuing intestinal diseases like Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Lectins as a cause however are largely being ignored in the U.S. Though the field of lectinology and lectins role in disease is more standard internationally. Avoidance of unavoidable food lectins may be helpful in achieving condition and medical of continuing gut injury. medical of a "leaky gut" and avoidance of ongoing abnormal stimulation of the immune system by toxic food lectins and bacteria in the gut is the basis for ongoing research and probable success of several beloved diets such as the paleo diet, carbohydrate definite diet and gluten-free/casein-free diet. More research is needed in this animated but often neglected area. The Food Doc, Llc features a website that will provide doctor authored information on food intolerance, sensitivity and allergy such as lectin, gluten, casein, and lactose intolerance with dietary advice that will feature in the near time to come an online symptom estimation and diet-diary.

Copyright 2006, The Food Doc, Llc. All rights reserved.

Food Lectins in condition and Disease: An Introduction

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Romania Food - excellent Varieties

Romania food retains its familiarity to people despite having different flavors. Visitors can enjoy a combination of Oriental, Austrian and French flavors. Plenty of delicious local dishes like Sarmale, mamaliga, bulz and many others charm the locals as well as the visitors. Friptura, cozonac, tocana, and tochitura are some other notable names in the list. Tochitura is an assortment of fried meats and customary sausages. Mici Coirba de burta, coirba taraneasca and drob also lead in constituting that extra Romanian menu. Garlic and onions are omnipresent in roughly all the dishes.

While roaming the streets you will find quite tasty street foods like covrigi which is a hot pretzels. Langosi is dish containing hot dough filled with cheese. Someone else mouth-watering dish is gogosi that is donut-like dough, coated with fine sugar.


If you are fond of pastries you have landed in standard place. Numerous varieties of palatable pastries are available. They come with different names such as merdenele, dobrogene, poale-n brau and ardelenesti in different flavors. Kebab and shawarma are two very popular items served in the many shops and restaurants.

Most of the restaurants in the country serve Romanian food, though they are very similar to western European food. The capital city Bucharest features wide range of International food chains. Chinese, Italian or French anything you name and you will get there. And interestingly, they all are nominally economy than restaurants. They sell foods of international standard but with quality lower than that in restaurants. So it is advisable to go for restaurants if you can.

Romania Food - excellent Varieties

Monday, October 10, 2011

How to Make Food storage Racks

To make your kitchen have the functions better, you are advised to make food storehouse racks because those racks will give the best help for you when you would like to store your foods. When development these kinds of racks, you must be sure that they are adaptable for some options of foods so you can keep your foods in a good way. If you are curious to make them by yourself, it is great for you to check this information out that will provide the best instructions to follow.

Making the right compose is the first thing you need to perform. In creating the design, you need to reconsider about the width and height of racks so they are reachable for you. Besides, the compose you generate should think about the process of ventilation and it needs miniature maintenance that will be great for you. You can build the shelves from the wiring of stainless steel. Here, you can make the right shelves which are suitable with your needs. You can select the right compose that is suitable with your personality and the compose of your kitchen.


For positioning the shelves, you need to reconsider about the optimum distance that will make you able for storing any kinds of foods. Besides, you can make the shelves which have distinct sizes so you can make them noteworthy with your needs. In development the shelves, you need to make the right measurement so they are practical for you. Then, you need to set the racks on casters so you could remove them when you need more space to put your foods.

How to Make Food storage Racks

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Golden Retriever Food: Feeding Your Dog Human Food

Golden Retriever food should always be considered chosen so that you give your dog a nutritious and yummy meal. Sometimes, owners make shortcuts when it comes to the food of their dog. Any dog food on sale at the supermarket is purchased and fed to the pet without checking the nutritional value. If you truly care for your Golden Retriever's health, you might want to skip the aisle for now and check your refrigerator. You might be surprised to find out that what is good for you may be good for him as well.


Get rid of what you have learned about myths on human food as Golden Retriever food. Your dog would also prefer variety in their dish and giving them considered excellent human food would make them love you more.

Meats like chicken and turkey are good food. You may incorporate them with cut up raw vegetables or fruits. Although human foods, their nutritional value is useful to your dog.

Other choices of nutritious human food for your Retriever are:
• Raw eggs/egg yolk together with its shells - rich in protein.
• Raw vegetables - carrots are the best
• Brown rice - it is rich in fiber; good for you and for your Retriever.
• Oatmeal - also rich in fiber
• Fruits - skip the grapes and raisins; give your Golden Retriever apples, peaches or banana, to name a few.

You should avoid giving the following human food to your pet dog Retriever:
• Chocolates - it has bromine which leads to toxicity in your dog. Unsweetened chocolates contain the top amount of bromine.
• Egg whites - it can cause biotin scantness (Vitamin B) because of it contains avidin, but you can give your Retriever a raw whole egg together with the egg shell.
• Onions and garlic

Most human foods are great for your pet dog, but there are some that aren't and can even harm your dog. It can even be a source of skin allergies or can even cause instant death.

It is always good to mix human food with your dog's kibble. always keep in mind, though that raw and cooked food is a perfect nutritional balanced diet your dog will enjoy.

Part of giving care to your Retriever is healthy feeding. Studies show that a Retriever dog's diet can affect his longevity and normal health. Dogs with a considered guided diet can live longer than dogs whose food intake are not controlled or modified.

Always consult your vet on the right Golden Retriever food diet. He will always be the best someone to recommend real food useful for your dog and also human foods to avoid.

Golden Retriever Food: Feeding Your Dog Human Food

Saturday, October 8, 2011

How To Use A Vacuum Food Sealer

Now you have found a great vacuum food sealer, but you may not be sure how to use this nifty microscopic thing. How do you use one of these things? Why should I use one?


You may have seen these vacuum food sealer machines in the shop and you might not be sure how to use them. You may also have tried in the past to use one, but were put off by the strangeness that you opinion went into using them. They are in fact not as hard to use as you may think, you just have to give it a try.

A good place to start is with getting the items that you want to put into the vacuum sealed bag. This way you will have all things that you need in front of you and you won't have to go seeing for something when you are ready to start on your vacuum sealing. You can use the vacuum to seal more then one certain kind of food to put into a vacuum bag system. This way you will be able to get it all done at one time, instead of having to pull out the vacuum sealer more then one time.

The next thing that you will need to do is to start the machine up. This may seem like a big deal but it in fact isn't. All you will need to do is to plug it into the wall or push the button on the machine. This may seem like it's something that could be hard to do, but you will find that it's not that hard at all in the end. You also will want to make sure that the food that you are using with your vacuum sealer is all there. There is nothing that is more of a pain, then having to go back and do it all over again.

When you get that great microscopic vacuum sealing machine, don't be scared of it and learn to use it. If you are not sure of what you are doing, then you can read the directions and find out what you need to do to make it work for what you are doing. This will help you to learn more about your machine and how you are supposed to use it. Lowest line is don't be afraid of it and you will be able to harness all of the machines benefits.

How To Use A Vacuum Food Sealer

Friday, October 7, 2011

What is Tex-Mex Food

Tex-Mex food is a name used to divulge dishes that are found in the state of Texas that is primarily American. It blends available foods in the United States with primary Mexican cuisine. Some of the Tex-Mex f oods may differ from actual Mexican dishes, but are still referred to Mexican dishes in Texas. Habitancy who live face of Texas sometimes refer to Tex-Mex as Southwestern food.

Another divergence that separates Tex-Mex dishes is the way the foods are prepared. The use of spices and sauces are distinct from Mexico. Also the dishes normally have more meat and fewer beans. The dishes are influenced by the southern state of Chihuahua, which is also known for their dishes having more meat.


The foods are normally named the same as the dishes in Mexico. Burritos, chimichangas, tacos, and others consist of the same ingredients. The think it is distinct is by the green chile and other small details. You may also find distinct items on the menus such as fish tacos and shrimp enchiladas.

What is Tex-Mex Food

Some Mexican dishes that have a distinct taste in Tex-Mex include chorizo. It is a sausage that is spicy, being seasoned with red chile and garlic. It is a food that can be served at breakfast. The Tex-Mex chorizo is said to taste distinct by its spice blend. Tortillas in Tex-Mex cuisine are also different. The tortillas are normally more thick and less chewy then tortillas found in other places. Posole is a stew that Tex-Mex has put their twist into. Tex-Mex style has many green chiles added to it, which makes it a lot distinct than the primary dish. Tex-Mex cuisine contains large amounts of beef, spices, and beans. Texas-style chili, crispy chalupas, and fajitas are all Tex-Mex originals. A serving of tortillas with hot sauce or salsa is an additional one Texas invention. Other tasty creations include seven-layer dip, and tamale pie. Mango margaritas are a contemporary drink in the Tex-Mex menu. Many of these recipes are straightforward and want minute skill, but there are some foods that involve preparing of an additional one formula to faultless the main dish.

Even the salsa is a bit distinct in the Tex-Mex style. Typical salsa will include tomatoes, chiles, onions, and other spices. In Tex-Mex food, the salsa has a large estimate of cilantro added. Whatever cafeteria you go to, you are likely to have chile sauce on top of your dish. If you are not used to the hotness, you might have to take it slow. Start with small foods like salsa. You will get used to the strength and before you know it, you will be buying your own chile to generate dishes from your home. The chile can be sold throughout the year and can be stored admittedly in the freezer. You will be able to enjoy a touch of Tex-Mex style food with your Mexican food favorites.

What is Tex-Mex Food

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What's in Filipino Food - Tamarind

A tamarind is also referred to as sampaloc in the Philippines and is a beloved Filipino formula ingredient. It comes from the Tamarind tree, which originated in India. But obviously, this tree has proven to be hearty in other regions, as well.

This date-like fruit is also a tasteless formula ingredient, in other cultures and can be found in products such as Worcestershire sauce.


Tamarind is used in both its ripe and unripe state. The unripe fruit is quite tart and acidic. It is used primarily in savory dishes. When ripe it is still a bit on the tart side, but used in desserts, sweetened drinks and even as a solitary snack.

What's in Filipino Food - Tamarind

Tamarind is also used as the base for many soups and is what gives the Filipino soup Sinigang its sour flavor. Hard candy and suckers made with Tamarind are easily available, in the Filipino marketplace or in local supermarkets along side other Asian ingredients.

The typical tamarind is three to eight inches, in length. As the pods ripen they come to be juicier and the pulp inside turns reddish-brown, in color. When wholly ripe the pod shells come to be very fragile and are for real broken.

Eventually the pulp dehydrates into a gooey paste that is high in Vitamin B and calcium. This paste is surrounded by tasteless strands of fiber. At this stage, large brown seeds can be found in the pulp, as well.

Filipino food is extremely regarded an exotic cuisine in many parts of the world and the tamarind or sampaloc is one of the ingredients that sets Filipino food apart from other cuisines of the region.

What's in Filipino Food - Tamarind

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Benefits Of Raw Food - 6 Benefits Of Eating Raw Food

Following a diet based on the benefits of raw food is an exquisite way to lose weight on a naturally way

and it will help you to improve your health.


It is not only leading that you eat it; you must know what the benefits of raw food are.

Benefits Of Raw Food - 6 Benefits Of Eating Raw Food

You know the old saying "Power is knowledge" this is without fail true when it comes to dieting.

I'm sure they didn't realize it but our grandparents (the cavemen) were only eating raw food.

They didn't cook their food; heck they didn't even know how to originate fire.

Raw food advantage #1 Eat as much as you can:

If you ensue a raw food diet you can eat practically as much as you can and still contend a healthy weight.

Raw food advantage #2 Rich in fibres:

Did you know that there are six types of fibres. The fibres in raw food are called cellulose. They are indispensable when it comes to losing weight.

Raw food advantage #3 A clear skin:

Raw vegetables are an exquisite and natural reserved supply for a clear skin.

Vegetables are rich in vitamins. Some effective vegetables are carrots, salad,

tomatoes and cucumbers.

Raw food advantage #4 Energy:

An exquisite advantage of raw food is that it doesn't consist of only vitamins but also energy.

You will feel yourself more fit, you will have more energy and it may even improve your sex life.

Raw food advantage #5 Saturated fads:

Sat fats are bat in your battle against weight loss. This is one of the most leading benefits of a raw food diet it contains very itsybitsy saturated fats.

Raw food advantage #6 More nutritional value:

Food cooked above 116F° will lose a lot of its nutritional value.

Attention!:Your best bet is to consume only organic raw food.
Raw food from your local supermarket are loaded with pesticides.

You can get ready a lot of tasty receipts with only raw food: Think on all the salads you can mate or try a vegetable food. Personally I prefer tomato vegetable juice with a itsybitsy bit salt, black pepper and Tabasco.
I hope you have a best comprehension of the benefits of raw food

Benefits Of Raw Food - 6 Benefits Of Eating Raw Food

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Food on Tv

For some time now I have been watching an Emmy-winning television personality and author who hosts at least four dissimilar programs on U.S. Cable television's Food Network. Rachael Domenica Ray, has become one of my beloved culinary experts as her energetic personality and her smile have been adequate to keep me in front of the Tv screen to watch her teach easy recipes that she claims can be ready in thirty minutes or less.

Being an amateur cook myself, I was pleased to observe that she shared the same view that I have in relation to food measuring. As she emphasized, "it takes away from the creative, hands-on process of cooking." Her "eyeball it" expression has stayed with me every time I am about to experiment with something new and taste my efforts. Even though she has been heavily criticized for her appearance, her voice, her gestures and her energetic manner, I utter to be one of her funs, at least in relation to her recipes.


But over and above Rachel, I was amazed to observe that the U.S. Television has a cable channel totally devoted to food preparation, at-home entertaining, restaurants, food and eating habits. The New-York based Food Network reaches more than 85 million households and it is broadcasted to other countries as well due to its curious programs and live shows.

One of the most sublime this channel broadcasts is that of "Emeril Live." As a kid, Emeril Lagasse worked in the local Portuguese bakery and today he is one of the most sublime culinary personalities. After chance a series of victorious restaurants, hosting beloved Tv shows and becoming one of the most recognizable chefs of all time, Emeril Lagasse remains devoted as ever to using fresh, top-quality ingredients and employs cottage commerce ranchers, farmers and fishermen to ensure that he always gets the best. He enduringly invents new recipes, much to the pleasure of his quarterly customers and the fans of his Food Network specials and shows "Emeril Live" and "Essence of Emeril."

From what it seems, the Food Network is committed to exploring new, different, and curious ways to coming food - through pop culture, adventure, and voyage - while also expanding its repertoire of technique-based information. The only thing I have to wish to its supervision team and its shows is the best of success for the rest of 2006 and for the years to come.

Food on Tv

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pregnant Mother's Food - Eat the Right Food

Pregnant mothers need nutrients for her body at the same time for her baby. So when a mother eats, it is also for the baby. A mother eats more food everyday to make her child healthy and strong when the time comes for the baby to be delivered. There are lots of foods that a pregnant mom could choose. So choosing the literal, kind of food for the mother to consume is trivial. Here are some of the types of food that pregnant mothers should take. Babies need the nutrients and the mothers need the power when the time comes to give birth to her bundle of joy. These are some of the foods that a pregnant mom should take.


The first foods that a pregnant mother should take are vegetables and fruits. It is beneficial that pregnant mothers should eat these types of foods. Greens and fruits help the mother to produce lots of good vitamins for her baby. Also veggies help the milk of the mother to be full of nutrients when the baby is already out and in needs of her mother's milk. So make the pregnant mom eat their vegetables and fruits that you have ready especially for her. If the mother doesn't certainly like veggies, then find a way to cook it to make it tastier.

The next thing a pregnant mother should eat is food that is rich in carbohydrates. These foods can be named as pasta, wheat, or rice. Today, there are varieties of recipes to make the food look and taste more interestingly. A mother should eat lots of it and to match up to these recipes she can pair it with milk or juice. When you prepare juice for her it is good if you can make a juice that comes from fruits itself. You can make a banana shake or an orange juice if you have lots of it inside your fridge. So make use of your blender or juicer.

The third one that a mother should take is dairy products. From cheese to butter, it is your imagination where to put the dairy products. You can make lots of other types of food that comes from dairy products. You can quest the internet or buy a method book that matches up the needs for your preparing of food. Your wife will be so happy if you have the accountability to cook it for her.

These are the types of foods that a mother should take. So put in mind the food and make something that is healthy for both your wife and soon to be born baby. When the baby comes out healthy, your work can be a worthwhile one. Having a healthy baby and a fabulous wife to you life makes you feel more comfortable each day when you see them both happy and energetic.

Pregnant Mother's Food - Eat the Right Food

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Germany Food

Germany has its own range of customary food that population all throughout the world will know of. Here are some of the food that Germans like to cook and eat in their own country.

First of all, we have the Spatzle. Spatzle is like egg noodles that we have here in the United Kingdom (And a lot of other countries). They can be formed by pressing the batter through what the Germans call a "Spatzle grater". Here are some instructions of how you can make them.


  1. First of all, you need to accumulate your ingredients. This is what you will need:
  2. 4-5 cups all purpose flour
  3. 1 cup (250ml) water
  4. 4 large eggs
  5. 1 tsp salt
  6. Mix the flour, eggs, water and salt in a bowl. Keep mixing together until the mixture looks thick.
  7. Place the spatzle maker over a pot of geltly boiling water. Add some of the batter to the keeping cup and moderately grate. When the spatzle float to the surface take off them with a slotted spoon. Repeat, until all of the batter is used.
  8. After you've removed it all, feel free to serve it as it is. You could however add a bit more to add to the flavor. You could add butter, cheese or maybe even some carmalized onions.

Germany Food

So that is the Spatzle for you. Now, lets move onto our next customary German dish.

Now we have the Kartoffelsalat. This is basically a potato salad as we all know it. This dish is served warm. This dish requires quite a lot more ingredients than the Spatzle however.

  1. You will need the following:
  2. 5 pounds red potatoes
  3. 3 stalks celery
  4. 1 medium onion
  5. 3/4 pound smoked bacon
  6. 1/4 cup flour
  7. 3/4 cup white vinegar
  8. 4 Tbs. Sugar
  9. 1/2 tsp. Salt
  10. 1/2 tsp. Pepper
  11. The next step is to fry the bacon. You're going to need to do this until the bacon is nice and crispy.
  12. Now, take off the bacon from the pan and drain off slightly. Make sure some of the oils are still there so it can salute the onions and the celery. Now do so and salute them.
  13. Add flour to the pan now. Then after it has thickened up, add the vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Make sure you stir well. Add the onions, celery and bacon after.
  14. Slice the potatoes and moderately put them in. Let it stand for a few hours, and then serve.

The final dish we are going to communicate is called Sachertorte. Basically, it is a nice cake (Layered) with apricots and chocolate icing.

  1. This is what you will need:
  2. 3/4 cup (150 grams) sugar
  3. 3/4 cup (150 grams) unsalted butter
  4. 8 eggs
  5. 1 1/2cups (300 grams) melted bitter-sweet chocolate
  6. 3/4 cup (150 grams) flour
  7. 1/4 cup (50 grams) apricot jam
  8. Beat the egg whites with half of the sugar for around 8 - 10 minutes. After, beat the egg yolks with the other half of the sugar for 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes, add the butter to the egg yolks and beat again. Add half of the chocolate. Mix until its well blended.
  9. Gently fold in the flour and the egg whites into it until it mixed and blended well.
  10. Put in a case and bake for around 1 hour in an 180C oven. After, cover the top with the apricot jam and the chocolate (Melted). Spread evenly. Serve.

Germany Food