At condition food stores, customers are complaining about food allergies more often now with statements like, "I can't eat this", or "I can't eat that." Why do so many people, especially those who frequent condition food stores, believe they have food allergies? It's funny, I've never heard anything say, "I'm allergic to coffee, cookies, cakes, popcorn, pizza or candy", and yet these are things that citizen ingest ordinarily without a second thought. So, what's up with all these condition food store shoppers who have food allergies?
Food allergies occur when the immune law overreacts to a protein molecule in the offending food. This can happen even with those who stick to food from condition food stores. The body is unable to break down that single protein molecule, so it reacts by trying to "get rid of it". It produces a chemical called 'histamine' and symptoms appear in the form of rashes, hives, itching, wheezing, breathing problems, and lots of mucus being expelled through the mouth, nose, ears, lungs, or sexual organs. More serious reactions from food allergies are: vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, drop in blood pressure, or even death.
Intolerance to positive foods is distinct than true food allergies, and this is a more tasteless complaint at condition food stores. With food intolerances like lactose intolerance, where a someone has strangeness breaking down the sugar in the milk, the symptoms are much milder. One may have some bloating, excess gas, cramping or diarrhea. While food intolerance is unpleasant, it is not life threatening like food allergies can be in some severe cases. The usual distresses are intolerances to wheat, soy, dairy and anything at condition food market that the shopper feels is too expensive.
The demand that customers at condition food market ought to ask is not, "What food am I allergic to?" But rather, "Why is my immune law reacting to what should be condition food?"
When determining specific food allergies and intolerances, some factors to consider are:
1. What is the trigger food?
2. When am I eating the trigger food?
3. Am I improperly combining fruits and vegetables or grains or meat and dairy?
The list can be quite exhaustive to hunt down the offending trigger food and how it is being consumed. In fact, most food allergy experts will tell you to keep a diary of all you eat, and when you find the trigger food to just avoid eating it. Well, that sounds simple, but if you react to many things, along with those that should be condition food, it's not so simple? Of course, you can eliminate the most tasteless triggers to food allergies like: corn, wheat, eggs, dairy, and peanuts, but if that doesn't work, then what? The truth is, your immune law can overreact to many substances. The best way to address food allergies is to enlarge your immune law and get in balance with all the systems of the body. Shop condition food market for specific foods to feed your 5 main systems equally: immune, endocrine, digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems. This may be difficult at typical condition food stores, but searching online will produce results.
When you feed all your body parts with healthy, whole food nutrients, and eliminate the fake, processed foods in your life, your 5 systems can come into a perfectly natural balance. Then you can eat what you know you should be eating. It is best to enlarge the body's systems with properly combined condition food and ward off illness and disease the natural way. When you consume the right nutrients, the body operates at optimum levels for a more relaxed, healthy life. You have way to so much good nourishment at condition food market and abundance of options for avoiding food allergies or intolerances that it's a shame to limit your choices unnecessarily.
condition Food shop Battle Food Allergies
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