Having adequate levels of vitamin D is prominent throughout our lives. Vitamin D regulates how calcium is absorbed into the body. Children who do not have adequate levels of vitamin D will originate Rickets, which makes their bones soft and unable to reserve their weight. As adults we want wholesome bones to prevent osteoporosis and broken hips.
Regular exposure to ultraviolet rays is vital in getting an adequate estimate of vitamin D into our bodies. Our bodies will easily make vitamin D on our skin when exposed to sunlight for a adequate estimate of time. Because many population don't make the time to sit face in the sun without sunscreen for 15-20 minutes a day, we need to find others ways to get vitamin D into our bodies.
Before beginning a regimen of vitamin D supplements, consider the foods that you eat. Many foods on the shop today are fortified with vitamins. opt food products that are fortified with vitamin D.
Some types of fish have high levels of vitamin D. One of the best sources is pure cod liver oil. Do not buy refined cod liver oil unless you check the ingredients because the refining process often eliminates the vitamin D. Cooked salmon, mackerel, eel, tuna packed in oil, sardines packed in oil and shrimp consist of vitamin D. A word of caution: You must be just because attractive too much fish can lead to high levels of mercury in your principles which is very dangerous for you.
Egg yolks, cheese, liver, beef, fortified milk, fortified cereals, fortified yogurts, fortified soy milk, fortified rice milk, fortified almond milk and fortified margarines are good sources of vitamin D. You can also get vitamin D from white beans, navy beans, chick peas, almonds, oats, turnip and mustard greens, bok choy, tofu, okra, broccoli, seaweed, and oranges.
Good Vitamin D Food Sources
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