Monday, September 12, 2011

making Tomato Powder For Your Food storage

Whenever a survivalist considers beginning their food storehouse plans one of the more foremost considerations that they must take into catalogue is the whole of space that is available. Without enough space one can not properly store a enough quantity of needed food supplies.
I have found that the best way to store food is in a dehydrated manner. Dehydrated foods take up less space and can be speedily re-constituted when it is needed. No refrigeration is required for these foods and their long life span contributes greatly to their value towards emergency food supplements.
After noticing the prices of dehydrated foods it rapidly hits home that we should be manufacture a lot of our own products as opposed to purchasing them. Every time I look at the prices of dehydrated foods in the shop place I rush home and take out my food dehydrated to make something else. It is best that we build up a enough supply of the foods that we use and not those that may be ready but no one in the family ever eats them. That is plainly wasteful.
One of the most useful dehydrated foods that I have found is tomato powder. It can be re-hydrated for use as tomato sauce or as a seasoning for a range of dissimilar dishes. In the event that you are growing your own tomatoes this year you might wish to reconsider planting some of the Brandywine varieties as they make the best dried tomato powder you can find.
When you preserve your tomatoes you may wish to reconsider keeping it in a salt shaker. When filling the shaker you should add 3 parts of the tomato powder to 1 part of salt. Stored in this manner it contributes a great bonus flavor to your morning eggs or as a compound to flavor oils or dressings. You can add it to the top of baked bread for an additional zest in flavor or as a spice on your evening rice or baked potatoes. You can also use it for your Sunday spaghetti sauce. The uses for this practical item are just about endless.
When you make the powder you will want to squeeze every last bit of juice from the tomato. In the end if you are left with only pulp then you know you did your job properly. Although you could dry the pulp you will find that most of the flavor is bound within the juice itself. The pulp is unmistakably what we will be drying and finally powdering while the juice can be employed for whatever that you would normally use the juice for.
Keep in mind that you will need to break the dried tomato leathers down very fine or you risk damaging your food processor. If you add canned tomato paste to your powder mix you will quite likely find that it dries with the consistency of mortar. It can destroy your kitchen appliances if you are not careful. It is best to break it up into small bits and powder it moderately a diminutive at a time.
Copyright @ 2009 Joseph Parish


making Tomato Powder For Your Food storage
making Tomato Powder For Your Food storage

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